Minggu, 22 April 2012

Contoh Kalimat Pronoun And Adjective Clause

Beberapa contoh personal pronouns sebagai subjek:
- My name is Michael. I am fourteen.
- My father works hard. He works in a factory.- My sister is older than me. She is twelve.
- Our dog is very naughty. It likes to chase cats.

- Bob, you are a bad boy!

- David and I are playing football. We like sports.

- Jim and Jeff are my brothers. They are older than I am.

 Beberapa Contoh Adjective Clause: 
1. The waitress was a bad guy. He over charged us.
    The waitress who over charged us was a bad guy.
 2. My English teacher always gives me a good grade.  
    He is a nice teacherMy English teacher who is a nice teacher always gives me a good grade 
3. The man has a beautiful daughter. He is a policeman. 
    The man who is a policeman has a beautiful daughter
4. My sister always sends me some letters. She is teaching in Singapore 
    My sister who is teaching in Singapore always sends me some letters
5. The musician is very skilful. She is also a doctor
    The musician who is also a doctor is very skilful

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